PKN Tokenomics
Here’s the abstract of Pumpkittens Gold Tokenomics
Total supply 1 billion tokens
95% reserved and allocated for the community as the Gold Reserve. This reserve will be distributed through the GameFi Pumpkinverse/Pumpkinland. Starting with distribution 3% (of the Gold Reserve) in the first month, 2% of the reserve per month after that forever. You can check the earning potential of GameFi and calculate exact amounts for each purposes.
1% allocated for LGE, PR, Socials, Marketing and other initial requirements.
1% allocated to me and my team vested over 50 months.
1% allocated to the designers/creators and vested over 50 months.
2% is reserved as a GameFi reserve - emergency/development/upgrades hiring other teams or building more - whatsoever. Initially this will be mintable by developer as the needs come by with a community vote - and later on maybe a multisig could manage it - I will add an option for that to be taken care like that.
Last updated